Friday, August 24, 2007

Don't spend lots of money on dog ear infections, unless........

If you've neglected your puppy, then please take him to the vet. Luckily, I didn't wait to long before I took action. Dog ear infections can be treated at home, if you catch it early and you take the right steps.

The natural approach is by far the best approach. I know because I tried it.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I Cured My Dog Ear Infections

Now, if your anything like me, you absolutely hate to see your puppy in massive pain. And, if you don't know, dog ear infections are very painful.

About 3 weeks ago, I noticed that Champagne, my lovely puppy, was showing some weird behavior. For almost a week, I noticed Champagne shaking is head allot and holding it to the side.

I thought to myself "Gosh, I wonder what's going on with him."

Now, your going to think I'm crazy for this, but for some unknown reason I didn't take Champagne seriously.

I completely IGNORED him! I was so overwhelmed with my own day-to-day activities that I actually thought he was just playing around.

Well, about 4-5 days passed and I noticed a foul smell emanating from his ears, and he had some yellow and black slimy gook coming out of his ears.

I was like "Oh my gosh, there's something seriously wrong with my puppy!"

I kinda freaked out, because Champagne hardly ever gets sick. He's been an extremely healthy puppy(with the exception of a few allergies) and I hadn't ever dealt with a very sick and annoyed puppy, who walks around fidgeting like he's always mad.

So, I immediately went to the internet and started doing some research about dog ear problems. Here is what I found out; Most dog ear problems are really dog ear infections. And dog ear infections are sometimes caused by allergies. And allergies cause yeast.

Whalah! Champagne has an ear infection.

Boy was I happy that he didn't have ear cancer or something else more serious(at least I thought).

I said to myself, "Duh, you should have known this! Humans react the same way to certain allergies." The black and yellow stuff, that was coming out of his ears, were a form of yeast. And yeast normally have a foul smell(by they way, Champagnes ears smelled furocious. I gagged every time I smelled them)

Anyways, since I'm an all natural person, I decided that I wanted to take an all natural approach to caring for his ears.

The first thing I realized was that SWIMMING was out! No swimming for Champagne for the rest of the summer. I think it's obvious that getting water down his ears is even more painful. I mean, I hate water going down my ears.

I then started cleaning his ears with white vinegar and giving him an all natural herb, named pau d'arco from South Africa. This herb kills fungi and bacteria. I mixed the natural herb with mineral oil and treated him 3 times a day.

At first I was skeptical, but it turns out I love this stuff. It's all natural and it works. After a few days of thoroughly cleaning his inner and outer ears, and giving him pau d'arco, I noticed a significant difference in his ears.

Champagne was almost back to normal.

For those of you who don't know this little tip, vitamin C reduces inflammation. Puppies need vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps prevent future inflammations. So, of course Champagane began taking vitamin C on a regular basis.

3 weeks have now passed and Champagne is back to himself.

Hurray! Hurray!

I am happy as hell.

Our lives are back to normal.............

The one lesson I learned is that I shouldn't ignore Champagnes weird behaviors and that dog ear infections can be treated, naturally!

P.S. By the way, the ultimate guide to dog health helped me figure things out. I was lost without it.